Zach Fights Back

Posting for a friend, please check out the sitatuation for this adorable boy Zack. Facebook Thank you.

web site development, and what people think they know…

To quote Donald Rumsfeld, there’s known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. In the case of web development as with many things, some people who use web sites, think they know how easy/hard it is to build them. (Hint: they don’t) Check out this person who needs to hire a programmer yet they already ‘know’ … Read more

Guantanamo, Iran, and torture

There’s been an enormous amount of discussion, arguments, and chatter about ‘torture’.  What it is, what is isn’t, and who is doing it. Guantanamo, the U.S. military detention camp, has been loudly criticized for ‘water-boarding’ (simulated drowning) of 3 terrorists.  No doubt this technique is psychnologically terrible, but whether any permanent damage is inflicted is … Read more

President Obama – off to a bad start. Change you can’t believe in?

Well he’s off to a really bad start.  Here’s just a few ‘highlights’: He’s fighting to restructure healthcare in the country while the economy collapses. He’s had a string of tax cheating nominees and appointments to his cabinet. He’s reneged on his commitment to get out of Iraq, taking longer to end ‘combat’ than he … Read more